After almost two years here we are finally – EJECT bei Mittwochs in Verl 2022!

After our arrival it was quickly clear that this would be our biggest concert so far. A big stage including a small backstage area was there for us, so we could start setting up right away. With us was again our in-ear rack, through which we had again pretty good sound on stage.

All set up and wired, we first gave a little interview for the newspapers “Die Glocke” and “Neue Westfälische” before it started. 4 hours EJECT in best weather, packed into 4 blocks.

The meadow gradually filled with more people until it was finally well filled. Wherever you looked – happy, satisfied faces.

4 hours done, we were neatly exhausted, but still very satisfied. Also the new songs in our repertoire like “Perfect” or “Can’t help falling in love” were well received by the audience.

Afterwards, three articles about Mittwochs in Verl 2022 were published in the newspapers “Neue Westfälische”, “Die Glocke” and “Westfalenblatt“ (on the Internet we were also to read, on June 24 and on June 30) and we only have to say thank you… Thank you for this great experience!