The private party Spexard 2017 with perfect weather and good atmosphere
We organized this gig through a band member, a chilled party with neighbours, friends and family. We presented almost all of our repertoire and they made an impression on the audience. The day of the party was so hot that we needed to make a little rest in a pavilion. Nevertheless our equipment held out under the heat :)
We are really happy with our last gig before the summer break. We played all of our own songs and also our new cover of “No roots” made an impression.
Our next aim is writing a new song during the summer.
We had a turbulent half year behind us. Therefore, the summer break was quite right for us to make a break and plan the time after the holidays musically.
Many great concerts have remained in our memories and we naturally wanted to follow up on them. Our long-term aim was to perform with two female singers in order to get a greater vocal range and variability in the songs. There were no new gigs to come, so we could consolidate our songs and think about how we wanted to continue with the band.