The gig at the Citizens Brunch 2018
It was our last gig before the summer break, announced by an article in the newspaper “Westfalenblatt”.
Unfortunately we had to start with a 45-minute delay. But the “long breakfasts” stayed until the end of our performance. We have noticed that even some have been waiting for us :)
We are always very happy to hear such news.
Because of the cancellation of an act after us we were allowed to play longer and extended our setlist before the gig. The 25 minutes turned into 45 minutes then.
The weather was fine, with a lot of sunshine and very warm temperatures, and the sound was also very good.
With two concerts with our two new singers we could get a good impression how we can continue in the future. We have received exclusively positive feedback, both at the Music school party and here at the Citizens Brunch 2018. Of course, this spurs us on to continue in the same way.
New concerts are planned (among others a new gig at “Oelde acoustic” on December 7th) and a new song will probably come soon.
Our next aim is to finish the recordings and have new photos taken. After all, we are not idle during our summer break ;)