The challenge of the Everswinkel street festival 2019
Playing at 4 locations within 2 hours. 20 minutes EJECT time and within 10 minutes we disassembled and reassembled our complete equipment at the next location.
It worked, with handcart and carrying persons we could transport our acoustic set back and forth without an accident ;)
The gigs were also a lot of fun for us and the audience. For the first time we could present a new song which was very well received. We had designed the set as varied as possible in order to always present something new.
And who knows, after the Everswinkel street festival 2019 maybe the Everswinkel street festival 2021 will come ;) (2020 was cancelled ’cause of Corona)
Next up is our studio recording. Laura gets going, we’ll keep you updated on Facebook. Also on our homepage home page, the information will come.